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LFP estimation with dynamic remeshing#
Plot LFP from toy neurons
import xcell as xc
from neuron import h # , gui
from neuron.units import ms, mV
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from tqdm import trange
# from ..Common_nongallery import Ring, makeSynthStudy
import Common_nongallery
import time
from xcell import nrnutil as nUtil
resultFolder = 'LFP'
nRing = 5
nSegs = 5
dmax = 8
dmin = 3
nskip = 4
ring = Common_nongallery.Ring(N=nRing, stim_delay=0, dendSegs=nSegs, r=175)
tstop = 40
tPerFrame = 5
barRatio = [9, 1]
coords, rads, is_sphere = nUtil.get_neuron_geometry()
ivecs = nUtil.get_membrane_currents()
t = h.Vector().record(h._ref_t)
h.finitialize(-65 * mV)
tv = np.array(t)*1e-3
I = 1e-9*np.array(ivecs).transpose()
I = I[::nskip]
tv = tv[::nskip]
analyticVmax = I/(4*np.pi*np.array(rads, ndmin=2))
vPeak = np.max(np.abs(analyticVmax))
imax = np.max(np.abs(I[::nskip]))
coord = np.array(coords)
xmax = 2*np.max(np.concatenate(
(np.max(coord, axis=0), np.min(coord, axis=0))
# round up
xmax = xc.util.round_to_digit(xmax)
if xmax <= 0 or np.isnan(xmax):
xmax = 1e-4
lastNumEl = 0
lastI = 0
study, setup = Common_nongallery.makeSynthStudy(resultFolder, xmax=xmax)
setup.current_sources = []
study_path = study.study_path
dspan = dmax-dmin
tdata = None
img = xc.visualizers.SingleSlice(None, study,
tv, tdata=tdata)
for r, c, i in zip(rads, coord, I.transpose()):
geo = xc.geometry.Sphere(center=c, radius = r)
signal=xc.signals.PiecewiseSignal(tv, i )
setup.add_current_source(signal, geometry = geo)
tmax = tv.shape[0]
errdicts = []
stepper = trange(0,tmax,postfix="")
for ii in stepper:
t0 = time.monotonic()
ivals = I[ii]
tval = tv[ii]
vScale = np.abs(analyticVmax[ii])/vPeak
setup.current_time = tval
changed = False
# for jj in range(len(setup.current_sources)):
# ival = ivals[jj]
# setup.current_sources[jj].value = ival
# Depth strategy
scale = dmin+dspan*vScale
dint = np.rint(scale)
max_depth = np.floor(scale).astype(int)
density = 0.2
metricCoef = 2**(-density*scale)
netScale = 2**(-max_depth*density)
changed = setup.make_adaptive_grid(
coord, max_depth, xc.general_metric, coefs=metricCoef)
if changed or ii == 0:
setup.meshnum += 1
n_elements = len(setup.mesh.elements)
v = setup.solve()
lastNumEl = n_elements
setup.iteration += 1
# stepper.set_postfix_str('%d source nodes' % sum(setup.node_role_table == 2))
# stepper.set_postfix_str('%d elements'%n_elements)
# stepper.set_postfix_str('(%.2g, %.2g)'%(v.min(), v.max()))
# # TODO: why is reset needed?
# setup.node_role_table[setup.node_role_table == 2] = 0
v = setup.solve()
dt = time.monotonic()-t0
study.log_current_simulation(['Timestep', 'Meshnum'], [
setup.current_time, setup.meshnum])
setup.step_logs = []
img.add_simulation_data(setup, append=True)
ani = img.animate_study('', fps=30)